Pre-Organized Panel Calls for Papers

A Pre-Organized Panel consists of three- or four-paper presentations coordinated by an organizer based on a unifying subject, which may or may not be related to the convention theme. While not required, should the organizer be so inclined, a Pre-Organized Panel with three papers may include a respondent. The organizer also has the option to include a paper of his/her own on the panel.

Individual proposals to a Pre-Organized Panel are due to the organizer by his/her imposed deadline but no later than April 25 (please see the calls for papers below for more information). After soliciting, reviewing, and selecting individual proposals, all organizers must submit a Pre-Organized-Panel proposal to the MMLA by May 01. The following materials are required for consideration:

  1. Organizer's Name, Email Address, and Affiliation
  2. Panel Title (15-word maximum)
  3. Presenter Names, Email Addresses, and Affiliations
  4. Paper Titles (15-word maximum each)
  5. Abstracts (approximately 250 words each)

Please stay tuned for forthcoming calls for papers!